Continental Minion! Checking all the Continents off the bucket list

Visiting all Seven Continents

With the completion of my recent trip to Australia, not only did I check Australia off the “visit list”, but also hitting all seven continents from my bucket list as well.

For as long as I can remember, stepping foot on all seven continents had always been at the top of my bucket list. And for the past several years, there was a focused effort to make that dream a reality. It influenced many of my destination choices and gave me some of the best life experiences I’ve ever had.

As I’ve not completed blogging about past trips, I thought it would be nice to reminisce about a favorite memory or thought from each continent

North America

North America is home. Being based out of Vancouver, Canada it’s hard not to check North America off the list by default. However, the travel possibilities are still endless. Given its proximity to home, it’s been “easy” to travel throughout. While there is so much to see, one of my memorable trips was the sibling trip I took with my sister to Chicago. We spent a week in the windy city enjoying the architecture, the food and the great vibe the city has. It’s also what started my sister and I on a series of trips together over the next few years, a tradition we still try to keep today.


I’ve had a chance to visit Europe on multiple occasions. Of all the trips I’ve taken , my 2012 trip through Italy and some of the southern coast of Europe really stands out. I’ve always been a big fan of Italian food and I was super excited to “eat my way through Italy”. I was not disappointed. It seemed that everywhere we went you couldn’t find a bad meal. Between eating, I was enthralled by the amount of history that is present in places like Rome and Florence. Italy continues to be one of the countries at the top of my list that I will jump at re-visiting in the future.


Asia has been the “fuzziest” of my destinations to remember. I think some of this is because many trips took place prior to travelling becoming a big a part of my life. That being said I do have fond memories of a 2009 family trip where we visited Shanghai and Beijing. Not only did we get to see some amazing landmarks (like the Great wall and Forbidden city), but we also got to see the home where my dad grew up in Shanghai and met some extended family I’d never met before.


On my 2017 Australia trip,. I spent a month visiting friends and trying to see as much of Australia as I could. There is some natural beauty in Australia that can’t be seen anywhere else in the world. While I initially set out to see all the “landmarks”. I was amazed by all the unexpected beauty, friendly people and interesting sights that I didn’t plan for. Which actually makes it hard to pick out a single highlight. Push come to shove though, I really enjoyed seeing some pretty amazing natural phenomenons such as the Southern Lights, The Great Barrier Reef and the 12 Apostles.


My trip through Africa actually happened on a whim. My friend and I had been jokingly talking about the idea one night and soon turned to reality. Our trip took us to South Africa where we went on safari. We then flew to the United Arab Emirates for a few days before spending a week in Egypt and returning home. Of all the trips I’ve taken (so far), this one felt the most immersive in terms of culture. With the tours we took, we got to spend a lot of time with locals and I loved it. While I was wilting in the heat most of the trip, I really enjoyed all the people I met along the way gaining a stronger appreciation of a different way of life.

South America

Of all the places, South America was one of the places that wasn’t very high on my list to visit. I’m not sure what it was at the time, but it just didn’t appeal to me. So when I had the chance to go to Antarctica and would need to pass through South America, it seemed like a convenient way to do both. South America surprised me, there is a very vibrant culture and lifestyle and I’m happy to say that my initial expectations or preconceptions were completely off and I really enjoyed my time there. I only got to spend time in Argentina, but having tasted some of the latin lifestyle, I wouldn’t be surprised if I made my way back there in the future! You really can’t go wrong with a little dancing and a lot of Argentinian barbeque!


“The Frozen Continent”. Until I really started looking into it, I didn’t expect that I would ever have a chance to visit Antarctica. I was always under the impression that it was someplace only visited by scientist and explorers. Imagine my surprise when I learned there was such a thing as Antarctic tourism. It is like no other place on Earth. Save for the odd camp or research station, it’s a picture (albeit a cold one) of what it might look like if humans weren’t around. Its a place that forces a degree of self reflection and appreciation for just how amazing this world is.  It’s a humbling experience to be in Antarctica, surrounded by skyscraper sized icebergs, cute penguins and beautiful landscapes. My entire expedition through this area is the highlight and in all honesty by far my favorite trip so far.

Now What?

After finally accomplishing my goal, I spent a little time thinking about “what’s next” for me. There’s an initial sense of gratitude, and accomplishment for something I had been seeking for the past several years. However, there was also a small sense of relief and freedom that came with it. I’ve had to focus on particular destinations in order to facilitate this goal for the past few years. Now there isn’t any constraint and I think its actually a very cool place to be. I have a few trips lined up and am excited for new explorations and adventures this world has too offer.

Through reflection, I’m glad I picked up blogging. It’s been wonderful to re-live past experiences and it only serves to fuel the desire for more! I’m looking forward to the next thing, and hopefully you’ll be along for the ride as well!

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One thought on “Continental Minion! Checking all the Continents off the bucket list

  1. What a great post and recap of all your adventures! I made it into one of your highlights! Yahoo! Thanks for sharing and can’t wait to hear what other adventures you experience next!

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