Olympics Day 2 – Snowboarding and Hockey

After crashing big time following our day in the Gangneung Olympic Plaza, we were up pretty early, having slept for around 12 hours. Our plan today was to train to the mountains where we would watch some snowboarding, before training back to Gangneung to take in a hockey game. Phoenix Snow Park After checking out of our AirBNB we took a short bus ride to Gangneung station where we boarded a KTX...

First Few Days in Korea (Travel woes, Olympics and Golden moments!)

Flying to Korea All my bags were packed and I was ready to go to Korea! I'd like to have said that getting checked in and through to the gate went without a hitch, sadly this time it didn't! I'd like to have said that the airline caused this unneeded stress at the beginning of an amazing trip, but it wasn't. Unfortunately, this time it was all me. I made a silly mistake when booking and checking...

Planning for Korea

In February, I'll be travelling with a friend to South Korea! This trip was something that'd we'd been talking about for over a year and as time passed it started to come to fruition. For my friend, he's been to Korea a few times and has continually grown very fond of their culture. I was super impressed when he learned how to speak Korean and how much he has familiarized himself with the...