Flying to Melbourne and exploring St Kilda

Arriving in Melbourne

With a late night photographing the Southern Lights, and an early flight to Melbourne, Photos and I were already pretty tired by the time our flight was ready to depart. We arrived in Melbourne mid morning and had to kill a little time before getting the keys to our AirBnB. So we grabbed an early lunch and tried our best not to fall asleep in a small coffee shop until we could get into our condo.

When we finally got in, we started a cycle of laundry and crashed. I’m not sure if it was the stress in Tasmania, or simply the long days catching up to us, we were dead tired and agreed a nap was in order. We slept for the better part of the afternoon.

St Kilda & The St Kilda Pier

Feeling refreshed we headed to the St Kilda area to explore. St Kilda is a suburb of Melbourne along the water with an amazing beach. It is also home to the St Kilda Pier and its nightly march of the penguins at the St Kilda Breakwater. The penguins tend to come back after sun down, so we wanted to explore the pier before catching the penguins!

The pier and beach area is beautiful and certainly worth a visit. Given the time of day that we visited we knew we’d need to come back! We did catch an amazing sunset and a great view of the city from past the pier!

Penguin March

As the sun set, we started hear the crowd point out penguins as they returned to the breakwater. Penguins are always cute to see in the wild and this was no different. Unfortunately due to the light it was hard to get good photos of the penguins so sadly all we were able to get were fuzzy shots of them.

Acland street

When photos and I finally got to see the penguins but realized that we weren’t going to get any good shots of them, we decided to explore St. Kilda and stumbled upon Acland Street which was this super active super busy street filled with street performers, and restaurants. We were surprised by how vibrant the night life was! All was well except for a brief return of a creepy park that we weren’t too happy to see had more then one location…. Luna Park!

It was a brief day but we were already impressed with what we saw of Melbourne and had plans for a big next day!

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